Informació: Job Type: Engineer in Computer Science (M/W 16 months full time)
Level and salary: Engineer in Computer Science (Master or Engineering School), with gross salary between 2349€/month and 2472€/month based on experience.
Objectives and Activities.
In the framework of the Kesaio Project, a position of engineer in computer science is available for 16 months in the Orpailleur Team at LORIA Lab in Nancy. The Kesaio Project is aimed at defining and implementing a semi-automatic methodology for ontology design and extension from available web data (mainly textual data, RDF...).
In this project knowledge engineering is one main topic and will be based on knowledge discovery (mining concept definitions in the web of data), machine learning, knowledge representation, and reasoning. Pattern mining and Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) are planned to be used, together with methods for designing and managing knowledge graphs and as well LLMs.
Context of the Engineering Work.
This engineering work will take place at the LORIA Lab in the Orpailleur Team (
Application and competencies.
The candidate should have a Master or an Engineering Degree in Computer Science or Applied Mathematics.
Notions about knowledge discovery, machine learning, knowledge representation, reasoning formalism, and ontology engineering will be highly appreciated.
The candidate should apply on the CNRS portal, the so-called "Portail Emploi CNRS (" and should provide a recent curriculum vitae, a motivation letter, two recommendation letters
Localitat: Nancy (França)
Requisits: Enginyer en Informàtica (qualsevol modalitat)
Data de Caducitat: 04-10-2024
Contacte: Has de ser soci de FIB Alumni per veure aquesta informació.